Haus Khas Village, New Delhi - 11016

Haus Khas Village, New Delhi - 11016

Haus Khas Village, New Delhi - 11016

Honouring Aqseer

Honouring Aqseer

In loving memory of Aqseer Sodhi 

(Mom’s Bushka, Pa’s Aqsy, Chidia's Sodhi and Nani Daddy’s Pikku) 

Aqseer lived and left on her own terms. 
But she touched the lives of many by permitting them to drop the mask in her presence.  She was on a quest for an anchor in this life. 

This website is a recreation of the original. It is a testament to the following:

Aqseer lived and left on her own terms. 
But she touched the lives of many by permitting them to drop the mask in her presence.  She was on a quest for an anchor in this life. 

This website is a recreation of the original. It is a testament to the following:

Aqseer had found her ikigai
She was ahead of her times

उसने झंडा गाड़ दिया था

We miss you Aqseer!

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Remembering Through Images

Remembering Through Images

  • I heard about Aqseer. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you and the family lots of love and strength to bear this unfathomable loss. 

    I will always have fond memories of Aqseer. Our friendship started after we started exchanging emails back in school, something we continued for several years. I remember gifting her a compendium of those exchanges back in 2012. Felt overcome with emotion as I revisited those emails last night.  

    She was the best among us and an inspiration to me and many others. She fought a valiant battle and you all were incredible to be there for her. As much as my heart aches to see her go, I hope she is in a better place and rid of any pain and suffering. 

    Please take care and let me know if there is anything I can do for her or the family

    Udit Anand

    Hello Aunty. I heard about Aqseer. I'm very very sorry for your loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. It's very heartbreaking.. Missing her and remembering her. I have such fond memories of her from our school days... May she rest in peace... 

    Prachi Shukla

    I just wanted to say that Aqseer and Pratiksha came as friends into my life at a very emotionally difficult time. Their friendship helped me find myself as a person. Aqseer's kindness, sensitivity, and her beaming smile is what I will always remember her for. 

    I haven't kept in touch with many people from school. Aqseer was one of the few with whom I was in touch. I will so so miss her WhatsApp messages and voice notes, checking on me or asking 'political' questions. 

    That girl was something else. I have lost a very dear friend, a kind and excellent person. I will always value our friendship. 

    If I could, I would have given you a tight hug. I know that you will carry Aqseer with you always. Like how I will, forever. 

    Writing about Aqseer in the past tense is very difficult. She was beautiful. 

    My fondest memory of you two is from the Russian ballet, you as Goldilocks and Aqseer as the Bear! She invited me and my sister to the Russian centre to watch it. She was very proud of you!

    Ranjini Basu

    Hi Aunty, my name is Aathira and I was Aqseer’s batchmate and friend from NLS. I’ve been wanting to send you a message but not been able to find the right words. So I thought I would tell you a story about Aqseer. 

    In our first year of college, we had an 8 pm curfew. And naturally, any opportunity to step out of college beyond 8 pm was welcomed by us. 

    This is when, at the peak of Bangalore winter, some seniors decided to organize a trip to St. Patrick’s church for midnight mass and allowed us freshers to tag along. The church was packed and at the gate, all of us saw a man sitting in the cold and begging for alms…but our focus was to get through the crowd and inside the church where it was a bit warmer and we could observe the mass. This is when I saw Aqseer slip out quietly and without hesitation remove her sweater and give it to the man. It was a gesture which showed us who Aqseer truly is- a person with the biggest heart. 

    I had not been in touch with Aq over the past year and now it’s difficult to imagine I wouldn’t be able to hear her infectious laughter, her incredible sense of humor and her loud sneeze again. 

    I am deeply sorry for the loss you all are going through.

    You raised a wonderful and kind person who left us too early.

    Aathira Menon

    Today I am celebrating you as a person. I always looked up to you. I always wanted to have the qualities of you. I miss you! I loved the way you carried yourself. Babe, I really didn’t know how much I loved you until now. I am sorry if I had done something wrong unknowingly. We will meet again. Till then, see you later!


    Didi it’s been a while and yet it feels like it was yesterday and somehow just could not muster enough courage to call you or write a msg as my heart and mind still cannot reconcile to the harsh reality that physically dear Aqseer is not amongst US though her raidiant eyes , charismatic persona, billion dollar smile and a girl with a very strong mind to speak and stand for others will always be remembered . Looking at your girls and your chemistry I always felt happy and got inspired to have a similar bonding with my girls . Didi there will always be a vacuum and it’s impossible to fill her place in your heart and in your family but there are few things which are beyond US but one thing is sure that she is in a much much better place and must be watching you all from heaven and will always be guarding you all as a guardian angel . Cherish and treasure the memories and time spent with her . A big tight hug to you all . Last but not the least it’s not an understatement to say that you are a very strong, liberal , positive and a right blend of everything that any mother, women would like to be . I have always looked up to you and feel really blessed and fortunate to know you and share a strong Pachmarhi bond . Lots of love and lastly may God give strength to the entire family to bear this irreparable loss

    Jyoti Dobhal

    Hi Aunty, sorry for my delay in replying. I have been doing well. Thank you for asking.

    This year is our 10th year reunion from NLS and while, as a batch, we have mostly gone our own ways and drifted apart, each of us have some friendships that have stuck. I knew Aqseer had quite to say about the fact that we had all chosen to allow the other friendships to fade away. She stood out as the one person who made the effort to reach out to everyone and be there for them unfailingly. We all failed her in her life and we can only strive to do better to honour the memory of our dear Aqseer who I know would have done so much better than all of us.

    I believe in some parallel world, she is taking the place by storm with her fierce independence and most radiant smile ❤️


  • I heard about Aqseer. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you and the family lots of love and strength to bear this unfathomable loss. 

    I will always have fond memories of Aqseer. Our friendship started after we started exchanging emails back in school, something we continued for several years. I remember gifting her a compendium of those exchanges back in 2012. Felt overcome with emotion as I revisited those emails last night.  

    She was the best among us and an inspiration to me and many others. She fought a valiant battle and you all were incredible to be there for her. As much as my heart aches to see her go, I hope she is in a better place and rid of any pain and suffering. 

    Please take care and let me know if there is anything I can do for her or the family

    Udit Anand

    Hello Aunty. I heard about Aqseer. I'm very very sorry for your loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. It's very heartbreaking.. Missing her and remembering her. I have such fond memories of her from our school days... May she rest in peace... 

    Prachi Shukla

    I just wanted to say that Aqseer and Pratiksha came as friends into my life at a very emotionally difficult time. Their friendship helped me find myself as a person. Aqseer's kindness, sensitivity, and her beaming smile is what I will always remember her for. 

    I haven't kept in touch with many people from school. Aqseer was one of the few with whom I was in touch. I will so so miss her WhatsApp messages and voice notes, checking on me or asking 'political' questions. 

    That girl was something else. I have lost a very dear friend, a kind and excellent person. I will always value our friendship. 

    If I could, I would have given you a tight hug. I know that you will carry Aqseer with you always. Like how I will, forever. 

    Writing about Aqseer in the past tense is very difficult. She was beautiful. 

    My fondest memory of you two is from the Russian ballet, you as Goldilocks and Aqseer as the Bear! She invited me and my sister to the Russian centre to watch it. She was very proud of you!

    Ranjini Basu

    Hi Aunty, my name is Aathira and I was Aqseer’s batchmate and friend from NLS. I’ve been wanting to send you a message but not been able to find the right words. So I thought I would tell you a story about Aqseer. 

    In our first year of college, we had an 8 pm curfew. And naturally, any opportunity to step out of college beyond 8 pm was welcomed by us. 

    This is when, at the peak of Bangalore winter, some seniors decided to organize a trip to St. Patrick’s church for midnight mass and allowed us freshers to tag along. The church was packed and at the gate, all of us saw a man sitting in the cold and begging for alms…but our focus was to get through the crowd and inside the church where it was a bit warmer and we could observe the mass. This is when I saw Aqseer slip out quietly and without hesitation remove her sweater and give it to the man. It was a gesture which showed us who Aqseer truly is- a person with the biggest heart. 

    I had not been in touch with Aq over the past year and now it’s difficult to imagine I wouldn’t be able to hear her infectious laughter, her incredible sense of humor and her loud sneeze again. 

    I am deeply sorry for the loss you all are going through.

    You raised a wonderful and kind person who left us too early.

    Aathira Menon

    Today I am celebrating you as a person. I always looked up to you. I always wanted to have the qualities of you. I miss you! I loved the way you carried yourself. Babe, I really didn’t know how much I loved you until now. I am sorry if I had done something wrong unknowingly. We will meet again. Till then, see you later!


    Didi it’s been a while and yet it feels like it was yesterday and somehow just could not muster enough courage to call you or write a msg as my heart and mind still cannot reconcile to the harsh reality that physically dear Aqseer is not amongst US though her raidiant eyes , charismatic persona, billion dollar smile and a girl with a very strong mind to speak and stand for others will always be remembered . Looking at your girls and your chemistry I always felt happy and got inspired to have a similar bonding with my girls . Didi there will always be a vacuum and it’s impossible to fill her place in your heart and in your family but there are few things which are beyond US but one thing is sure that she is in a much much better place and must be watching you all from heaven and will always be guarding you all as a guardian angel . Cherish and treasure the memories and time spent with her . A big tight hug to you all . Last but not the least it’s not an understatement to say that you are a very strong, liberal , positive and a right blend of everything that any mother, women would like to be . I have always looked up to you and feel really blessed and fortunate to know you and share a strong Pachmarhi bond . Lots of love and lastly may God give strength to the entire family to bear this irreparable loss

    Jyoti Dobhal

    Hi Aunty, sorry for my delay in replying. I have been doing well. Thank you for asking.

    This year is our 10th year reunion from NLS and while, as a batch, we have mostly gone our own ways and drifted apart, each of us have some friendships that have stuck. I knew Aqseer had quite to say about the fact that we had all chosen to allow the other friendships to fade away. She stood out as the one person who made the effort to reach out to everyone and be there for them unfailingly. We all failed her in her life and we can only strive to do better to honour the memory of our dear Aqseer who I know would have done so much better than all of us.

    I believe in some parallel world, she is taking the place by storm with her fierce independence and most radiant smile ❤️


  • Hi aunty, this is Pratiksha. I got your number from Ranjini. Had messaged you on Aqseer's number as well. I hope you and the family are holding on. It was devastating to hear about what happened. I will never forget the brilliant, kind, sensitive kid I knew in school. As someone who has seen what mental illness does to loved ones, I knew that the illness had changed her in the last few years. I hope she is finally at peace. I feel blessed that I knew Aqseer at such a young age -- so much of what I do personally and professionally was learned by observing her.

    My condolences to you, uncle, Asawari, and the rest of the extended family. She was very loving and protective of her loved ones -- I know her presence will always be there as a guardian angel. Last few weeks I have been going through her old photos I had on my email id, and I don't think I have ever met anyone as talented and brilliant as her. We are all holding you close in our thoughts and hope you are doing okay.

    I had the oppotunity to meet Aqseer a few years back in Hong Kong. She had left a lasting impression on me , as a smart , intelligent , loving young lady, with a beautiful smile .

    She would be fondly remembered by all of us , and live thru the many people she helped thru Aaina.

    May you find peace in the hereafter Aqseer🙏🙏💐💐


    Dearest Aqseer,

    Now that you are gone- I don’t know if you can hear me. I write this to you in the belief that, even if for a fleeting moment, you will choose to hear this…

    You were always someone who wanted to give all efforts in life your all- the girl with no Plan-B. I for once, hope, even though I know the hope is futile, that you make a Plan-B for once. The thought of not being able to even talk to you hurts and this is one of those things I will have to live with, however painful that might turn out to be.

    You should know that I always remembered you fondly, even when things between us were less than fond. For me, you would always be the one person who would talk her mind, however tough it could get. The balance between being congenial and candid was something you never chose to learn- and, I for one, always loved you for it.

    I do not want to delve into every memory that I want to share with you- knowing how easily and eagerly you will agree to be my audience for such an ‘ASP’ smile. I know, and you should know this too, the memories will live on in my heart for ever. 

    And, THAT is my Plan-B for AQ. Love, Neva


    I will always remember Aqseer as the ever smiling, super confident and beautiful girl. She was an absolute star in DPS and we were all in awe of her multifaceted talents. Her ballet and boxing, apart from kicking ass in studies. As Aqseer’s roommate for 4 years through college, we went through all life’s important moments together. She was instrumental in pushing me to date Karan, in dealing with exam stress, insecurities about friends and looks. She was never judgemental and always gave me great advice. Because of her, I travelled a lot more than I would have otherwise-whether going on long bike rides to Rasta, or the Hogarakkal falls. Aqseer and Godbole were instrumental in teaching all law schoolites to dance at my wedding. Aqseer had the best ideas and took up issues like mental health and feminism and equality before it became “cool”. She was fierce in her courage even during the Slutwalk protests. I hope that she can find peace now, that she wasn’t able to gt over the last couple of year. I love you Aqseer and sorry I wasn’t a better friend at the end. 


    I’m standing in your room and I can’t believe this is reality. 

    You and I, we’ve laughed and fought, argued and sympathized. But we grew up and the time made us grow apart.

    You were always caring, running around with your heart on your sleeve.

    Now you’ve gone and done something where you can’t hear us and we can’t see you. Your selfish prick. We loved you. And the fucking worst part is that deep down you knew that. You always liked to have the last word.

    You have “Shut up and listen now” written on your bedroom wall.

    And a Bukowski ‘factotum’ lying in a box below it.

    There’s something very Aqseer about all of this.

    It’s your shrine.

    Shine on, you crazy diamond.

    I’ll always miss you.

    Aman Bhagat

    LINK -

    This was a song Aqseer and I really wanted to create a choreography on with Kathak and Bharatanatyam . I came a lot to your place on Man Singh road to try and make this happen also. But somehow we couldn't get through the whole process together. but I still think about many such things we started together and somewhere they still feel like she is going to come back and taunt me to come home and finish it with her.

    I'm really sorry for going AWOL,  and not turning up and if in anyway I have disrespected you or aqseer

    I have been terrible at a lot of things the superficial time management and workload being one half of it. but the other half of it being genuinely scared to admit that she isn't here.

    I still have messaged and emails and even conversations with her in my head, I'm sure it's not something I'm living alone but I have been coward to accept still haven't accepted somewhere

    have been opening this up in therapy and slowly trying to open this habit of not being able to let go and this tendency of escaping anything that can induce a sense of loss I'm struggling with articulation and apologies for the directionless bombardment but I felt like the least I owe you is a response and this is my disorganised attempt at that sending a lot of love and energy to Aqseer and all of us who loved her in our own wierd ways

    Vaishnavi Mannava

  • Hi aunty, this is Pratiksha. I got your number from Ranjini. Had messaged you on Aqseer's number as well. I hope you and the family are holding on. It was devastating to hear about what happened. I will never forget the brilliant, kind, sensitive kid I knew in school. As someone who has seen what mental illness does to loved ones, I knew that the illness had changed her in the last few years. I hope she is finally at peace. I feel blessed that I knew Aqseer at such a young age -- so much of what I do personally and professionally was learned by observing her.

    My condolences to you, uncle, Asawari, and the rest of the extended family. She was very loving and protective of her loved ones -- I know her presence will always be there as a guardian angel. Last few weeks I have been going through her old photos I had on my email id, and I don't think I have ever met anyone as talented and brilliant as her. We are all holding you close in our thoughts and hope you are doing okay.

    I had the oppotunity to meet Aqseer a few years back in Hong Kong. She had left a lasting impression on me , as a smart , intelligent , loving young lady, with a beautiful smile .

    She would be fondly remembered by all of us , and live thru the many people she helped thru Aaina.

    May you find peace in the hereafter Aqseer🙏🙏💐💐


    Dearest Aqseer,

    Now that you are gone- I don’t know if you can hear me. I write this to you in the belief that, even if for a fleeting moment, you will choose to hear this…

    You were always someone who wanted to give all efforts in life your all- the girl with no Plan-B. I for once, hope, even though I know the hope is futile, that you make a Plan-B for once. The thought of not being able to even talk to you hurts and this is one of those things I will have to live with, however painful that might turn out to be.

    You should know that I always remembered you fondly, even when things between us were less than fond. For me, you would always be the one person who would talk her mind, however tough it could get. The balance between being congenial and candid was something you never chose to learn- and, I for one, always loved you for it.

    I do not want to delve into every memory that I want to share with you- knowing how easily and eagerly you will agree to be my audience for such an ‘ASP’ smile. I know, and you should know this too, the memories will live on in my heart for ever. 

    And, THAT is my Plan-B for AQ. Love, Neva


    I will always remember Aqseer as the ever smiling, super confident and beautiful girl. She was an absolute star in DPS and we were all in awe of her multifaceted talents. Her ballet and boxing, apart from kicking ass in studies. As Aqseer’s roommate for 4 years through college, we went through all life’s important moments together. She was instrumental in pushing me to date Karan, in dealing with exam stress, insecurities about friends and looks. She was never judgemental and always gave me great advice. Because of her, I travelled a lot more than I would have otherwise-whether going on long bike rides to Rasta, or the Hogarakkal falls. Aqseer and Godbole were instrumental in teaching all law schoolites to dance at my wedding. Aqseer had the best ideas and took up issues like mental health and feminism and equality before it became “cool”. She was fierce in her courage even during the Slutwalk protests. I hope that she can find peace now, that she wasn’t able to gt over the last couple of year. I love you Aqseer and sorry I wasn’t a better friend at the end. 


    I’m standing in your room and I can’t believe this is reality. 

    You and I, we’ve laughed and fought, argued and sympathized. But we grew up and the time made us grow apart.

    You were always caring, running around with your heart on your sleeve.

    Now you’ve gone and done something where you can’t hear us and we can’t see you. Your selfish prick. We loved you. And the fucking worst part is that deep down you knew that. You always liked to have the last word.

    You have “Shut up and listen now” written on your bedroom wall.

    And a Bukowski ‘factotum’ lying in a box below it.

    There’s something very Aqseer about all of this.

    It’s your shrine.

    Shine on, you crazy diamond.

    I’ll always miss you.

    Aman Bhagat

    LINK -

    This was a song Aqseer and I really wanted to create a choreography on with Kathak and Bharatanatyam . I came a lot to your place on Man Singh road to try and make this happen also. But somehow we couldn't get through the whole process together. but I still think about many such things we started together and somewhere they still feel like she is going to come back and taunt me to come home and finish it with her.

    I'm really sorry for going AWOL,  and not turning up and if in anyway I have disrespected you or aqseer

    I have been terrible at a lot of things the superficial time management and workload being one half of it. but the other half of it being genuinely scared to admit that she isn't here.

    I still have messaged and emails and even conversations with her in my head, I'm sure it's not something I'm living alone but I have been coward to accept still haven't accepted somewhere

    have been opening this up in therapy and slowly trying to open this habit of not being able to let go and this tendency of escaping anything that can induce a sense of loss I'm struggling with articulation and apologies for the directionless bombardment but I felt like the least I owe you is a response and this is my disorganised attempt at that sending a lot of love and energy to Aqseer and all of us who loved her in our own wierd ways

    Vaishnavi Mannava

The Unaffordable Cost of Generation Gap | Neerja Singh | TEDxChowringhee

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The Unaffordable Cost of Generation Gap | Neerja Singh | TEDxChowringhee

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Aqseer, the Bleeding-Heart

The 7th Dec 2021.

Aqseer was barely two months away from turning 32. But she will remain 31 forever now. You see, she took her own life at about 12 noon that day. Her last conversation was with me on the terrace of our home she called “beautiful” in Hyderabad.

It has been five months since. I relive that last day over and over in my mind. There are a dozen different ways the events could have gone. But Aqseer’s soul was following its own marching tune.

I sit today, looking at a family portrait in which she is a toddler. There is not a hint of the rejection, confusion and humiliation that lay ahead for her. She was a very sociable baby, a high achiever in school and she graduated from India’s top ranking law school. A stint with Google Hong Kong followed and at the age of 23 years, she joined the Centre for Social Justice at Ahmedabad. Unknown to us, it was to be the start of her end.

You know what they say about the maternal antenna? It quivers in anticipation of danger and threat. I was often uneasy about Aqseer’s tenure at the Law School, wondering if I was imagining her challenges living alone. The same ambivalence persisted while she was at Ahmedabad. It was around the month of August 2013 that she began telling me on phone of her difficulty concentrating. I responded with a pep talk, telling her about our biorhythms and how it was alright to go with the flow. I had no clue of the enormity of the darkness engulfing her.

One day Aqseer called me up and to my question on what she was doing, her response was, “I am on the top floor of my office building. I am lying on the ground; all the others have left. And Ma, I feel like jumping off the terrace!” I froze and talked her down to the main gate right until she was inside her rented accommodation. Some hectic huddles happened and at the end of several phone calls back and forth, we decided she should come home for a break. My husband still recalls with sharp clarity the first thing she said when she was getting into the car at the Delhi Cantonment railway station where he had gone to pick her up, “Pa, I don’t want to go back!” I was waiting for them at home. The passageway light was turned off and it was only when Aqseer emerged from the shadows into the dining room light that I noted with alarm how loosely her green trousers hung on her body. She had lost 8 kgs of weight. The eyes were desolate and her pallor strangely cloudy. There was an air of resignation around her, as though her vitality regulator had been turned down to zero. I felt frightened……

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Aqseer, the Bleeding-Heart

The 7th Dec 2021.

Aqseer was barely two months away from turning 32. But she will remain 31 forever now. You see, she took her own life at about 12 noon that day. Her last conversation was with me on the terrace of our home she called “beautiful” in Hyderabad.

It has been five months since. I relive that last day over and over in my mind. There are a dozen different ways the events could have gone. But Aqseer’s soul was following its own marching tune.

I sit today, looking at a family portrait in which she is a toddler. There is not a hint of the rejection, confusion and humiliation that lay ahead for her. She was a very sociable baby, a high achiever in school and she graduated from India’s top ranking law school. A stint with Google Hong Kong followed and at the age of 23 years, she joined the Centre for Social Justice at Ahmedabad. Unknown to us, it was to be the start of her end.

You know what they say about the maternal antenna? It quivers in anticipation of danger and threat. I was often uneasy about Aqseer’s tenure at the Law School, wondering if I was imagining her challenges living alone. The same ambivalence persisted while she was at Ahmedabad. It was around the month of August 2013 that she began telling me on phone of her difficulty concentrating. I responded with a pep talk, telling her about our biorhythms and how it was alright to go with the flow. I had no clue of the enormity of the darkness engulfing her.

One day Aqseer called me up and to my question on what she was doing, her response was, “I am on the top floor of my office building. I am lying on the ground; all the others have left. And Ma, I feel like jumping off the terrace!” I froze and talked her down to the main gate right until she was inside her rented accommodation. Some hectic huddles happened and at the end of several phone calls back and forth, we decided she should come home for a break. My husband still recalls with sharp clarity the first thing she said when she was getting into the car at the Delhi Cantonment railway station where he had gone to pick her up, “Pa, I don’t want to go back!” I was waiting for them at home. The passageway light was turned off and it was only when Aqseer emerged from the shadows into the dining room light that I noted with alarm how loosely her green trousers hung on her body. She had lost 8 kgs of weight. The eyes were desolate and her pallor strangely cloudy. There was an air of resignation around her, as though her vitality regulator had been turned down to zero. I felt frightened……

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Aqseer, the Bleeding-Heart

The 7th Dec 2021.

Aqseer was barely two months away from turning 32. But she will remain 31 forever now. You see, she took her own life at about 12 noon that day. Her last conversation was with me on the terrace of our home she called “beautiful” in Hyderabad.

It has been five months since. I relive that last day over and over in my mind. There are a dozen different ways the events could have gone. But Aqseer’s soul was following its own marching tune.

I sit today, looking at a family portrait in which she is a toddler. There is not a hint of the rejection, confusion and humiliation that lay ahead for her. She was a very sociable baby, a high achiever in school and she graduated from India’s top ranking law school. A stint with Google Hong Kong followed and at the age of 23 years, she joined the Centre for Social Justice at Ahmedabad. Unknown to us, it was to be the start of her end.

You know what they say about the maternal antenna? It quivers in anticipation of danger and threat. I was often uneasy about Aqseer’s tenure at the Law School, wondering if I was imagining her challenges living alone. The same ambivalence persisted while she was at Ahmedabad. It was around the month of August 2013 that she began telling me on phone of her difficulty concentrating. I responded with a pep talk, telling her about our biorhythms and how it was alright to go with the flow. I had no clue of the enormity of the darkness engulfing her.

One day Aqseer called me up and to my question on what she was doing, her response was, “I am on the top floor of my office building. I am lying on the ground; all the others have left. And Ma, I feel like jumping off the terrace!” I froze and talked her down to the main gate right until she was inside her rented accommodation. Some hectic huddles happened and at the end of several phone calls back and forth, we decided she should come home for a break. My husband still recalls with sharp clarity the first thing she said when she was getting into the car at the Delhi Cantonment railway station where he had gone to pick her up, “Pa, I don’t want to go back!” I was waiting for them at home. The passageway light was turned off and it was only when Aqseer emerged from the shadows into the dining room light that I noted with alarm how loosely her green trousers hung on her body. She had lost 8 kgs of weight. The eyes were desolate and her pallor strangely cloudy. There was an air of resignation around her, as though her vitality regulator had been turned down to zero. I felt frightened……

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The Indian family caregivers of persons with mental illness: A book review

The Indian family caregivers of persons with mental illness: A book review

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"Mujhe kaantein diye, toh gulaab ban gayi

Kabhi socha, phool diye hote toh mai kya banti?"

"Mujhe kaantein diye, toh gulaab ban gayi

Kabhi socha, phool diye hote toh mai kya banti?"

- Aqseer

"मुझे कांटे दिए, तो गुलाब बन गई

कभी सोचा, फूल दिए होते तो मैं क्या बनती?”

"मुझे कांटे दिए, तो गुलाब बन गई

कभी सोचा, फूल दिए होते तो मैं क्या बनती?”

- अकसीर

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Hyderabad based psychotherapist and peer-support initiative

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©2024 Aqseer Sodhi - Rabani Kharbanda

About Us

Hyderabad based psychotherapist and peer-support initiative

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©2024 Aqseer Sodhi - Rabani Kharbanda

About Us

Hyderabad based psychotherapist and peer-support initiative

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©2024 Aqseer Sodhi - Rabani Kharbanda

In loving memory of Aqseer Sodhi 

(Mom’s Bushka, Pa’s Aqsy, Sister’s Sodhi and Nani Daddy’s Pikku) 

Aqseer lived and left on her own terms. 
But she touched the lives of many by permitting them to drop the mask in her presence.  She was on a quest for an anchor in this life. 

This website is a recreation of the original. It is a testament to the following:

Aqseer had found her ikigai
She was ahead of her times

उसने झंडा गाड़ दिया 

We miss you Aqseer!